Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


Songket: Round Two. Earlier entry: May 6.

Cucur udang. Remember the cold, soggy and overly oily prawn fritters that we've all bitten into and regretted instantly? The ones here will help banish those monstrous memories.

Fried popiah. Crunchy and competently prepared, but completely forgettable.

Kepak ayam (chicken wings). Get your fingers greasy on this tasty meat.

Tauhu sumbat. Never loved this recipe, probably never will.

Ending our exploration of traditional Malay starters: pegedil (or is it spelled begedil? hmmmm). Comfort food for carb-lovers, at any rate.

Two authentically Malaysian flavors of ice cream: durian & pandan.

For novelty value: durian tiramisu. Thankfully, the distinctive taste of the spiky fruit is obvious without being overwhelming in Songket's desserts.

Chardonnay, served chilled. Wine can be paired with Malay food!

Iced coffee & Mojito (cocktails are cool!).

Pick up complimentary chopsticks wrapped in songket before leaving.

And of course, cultural dance performances take place at 9pm, every night except Sundays.

Songket Restaurant,
Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-2161-3062

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